The CSC Cycle Team Complete 56 km for Rennie Grove Hospice Care

March 2015
CSC cyclists in the Chiltern cycle challenge

Angela, Spencer and Paul with Rennie Grove medals

Sunday March 22nd was a lovely spring day and the CSC cycle team completed 56 km for the formerly named Iain Rennie Hospice charity. The route took in the Chiltern Hills and passed Mr Cameron’s weekend pad, Chequers. The route was mostly ok with a couple of steep climbs which had our team putting in maximum effort.

Spencer Warner our MD said: “This was a great day out to lose a of bit weight, gain fitness, raise money for a good charity and to have a bit of outside of work fun with the team.”

You can still sponsor our MD, Spencer Warner, by clicking through to the Just Giving page.

Just after a steep climb, time for a water break. What a great day with the  sun!

Just after a steep climb, time for a water break. What a great day with the sun!